Architecture and Urbanization office of Hamed Fotovvat and colleagues has begun its professional activity from the year 1388 and as the consultant, designer, supervisor has implemented more than 150 different projects, including architecture, urbanization, landscape design, interior design and lighting projects by which has prepared a very strong resume, and in this regard has won many awards. This office, by cooperation and hard work of a group of thinkers, engineers, builders and architects, is about to make a great stride towards the revival and development of architecture values, regarding new insight and knowledge, optimizing the cost and time and the development of modern technology.
…. We hope to provide creative and new ideas with long term perspective, based on the new methods of architecture and urbanization, taking into consideration the fundamentals of lasting patterns of Iranian architecture, urbanization and also sustainable architecture, in order to achieve the Utopia of elevated Iranian contemporary architecture.

Personal Info

Hamed Fotovvat

Born in 1981, Isfahan

Academic degree
master’s degree in architecture and urbanization

Thesis title
The best design for an Information center of technology and industry (based on the fluid model)

At Islamic Azad University of khorasgan , Isfahan (1999-2008)

Educational Info

* Teaching at Islamic Azad University of Shahrekord (2007-2008)
* Teaching at Islamic Azad University of Najaf Abad, Isfahan, since 2008 until now
* Teaching at nonprofit Institution “Sepehr”Isfahan,(2007-2009)
* Supervisor of undergraduate students of Islamic Azad University of Najaf Abad for their final theses, since 2008 until now
* Supervisor of undergraduate students of Amin University, Fooladshahr (2011-2012)
* Teaching the training courses of tourist guidance for Cultural Heritage, handicrafts and Tourism Organization (2015- 2016)

Research Info

* Presentation of master’s thesis entitled “The best Design for information center of technology and industry (based on the fluid model)

* publication of an article entitled “Architecture of information mediathech from the past to the present” in the periodical magazine “Building Industry”, and in the engineering journal of “Nama” (the specialized magazine of Isfahan engineering organization).

* presentation of a lecture entitled “Design of Hakim street in Isfahan with emphasis on the importance of the urban design”, in the first educational course of The importance of urban design in different levels of construction and development projects, research center of architecture and urbanization of the department of housing and urban development.

* presentation of a joint paper entitled” The new spatial structures in architecture of the places which are functionally related to the cinematic arts”, in the international conference of Tehran University about new achievements in civil engineering, architecture and urbanization.

Professional Info

* Cooperation with Engineering and technical design organization of Isfahan municipality as the design advisor for architecture projects in Isfahan, since 2005 until now.

* Cooperation with Polsheer consulting engineers of urbanization and architects, in the field of architectural design and urbanization projects from 2006 to 2012.

* Cooperation with Beautification Organization of Isfahan municipality, as the design advisor for architecture and civil projects in Isfahan since 2011 until now.

* Cooperation with the companies of industrial estates of Isfahan, as the consultant of architectural design in 2011.

* Implementation of personal architectural project since 2004 until now.

* Participating in four architecture competitions (Memar Magazine), and presence in final qualified projects in 2009, 2010, 2012, 2015 (sport complex “Gole Narges”, Prayer building of martyrs’ part of Bagh Rezvan cemetery of Isfahan), Market buildings in the entrance of Bagh Rezvan and the prayer building in the mountainous park of “Sofeh”.)

* Participating in two competitions, held by Architecture and building Magazine, for the design of elevation and urban views in 2011 and 2012 (Prayer building of martyrs’ part of Bagh Rezvan cemetery of Isfahan, Market buildings at the entrance of Bagh Rezvan).

* Participating in two interior design competitions of Architecture and Building Magazine in 2012 and 2015 (interior design for the office building of the basketball board of Isfahan province, the prayer building in the mountainous park of “Sofeh” and cultural complex of Isfahan Press.)

* The winner of the first place of the design for religious buildings in the competition related to design of landscapes and outward appearance, held by Architecture and Building Magazine in 2011 (for the design of a Prayer building in martyrs’ part of Bagh Rezvan cemetery of Isfahan).

* Participating in the first biennial architecture competition of Art and Architecture Journal in 2014 (Prayer building in martyrs’ part of Bagh Rezvan cemetery of Isfahan),in 2016 (a building for prayer in mountainous park of “Sofeh” , Office 314 and Noor city center).

* Selected project for public buildings in the first biennial competition in 2014 (for the design of a Prayer building in martyrs’ part of Bagh Rezvan cemetery of Isfahan).

* Selected project for public buildings in the second biennial competition in 2016 (for the design of a building for prayer and rituals in mountainous park of “Sofeh”)


* The winner of the first place of the design for religious buildings in the competition related to design of landscapes and outward appearance, held by Architecture and Building Journal in 2011 (for the design of a Prayer building in martyrs’ part of Bagh Rezvan cemetery of Isfahan).

* Participating in the first biennial architecture competition of Art and Architecture Journal in 2014 (Prayer building in martyrs’ part of Bagh Rezvan cemetery of Isfahan),in 2016 (a building for prayer in mountainous park of “Sofeh” , Office 314 and Noor city center).
* Selected project for public buildings in the first biennial competition in ?of “Sofeh”)
Hamed Fotovvat
Since 2005
Saeid Haghshenas
Since 2021
Zahra Fadaie
Since 2021
Ali Panjeh pour
Since 2021
Elham Kohzad
Since 2021
Safoura Yakhchali
Since 2021
Reyhaneh Kolahdouzan
Graphic Designer
Since 2021
Job and skills requirements:
professional Architects (fluent softwares):

- AutoCad (2d & 3d)
- 3ds Max
- Photoshop
- Revit
- Rhino

Applicants submit your resume to the email address office.





No. 45, Maryam Dead End, Gharagol Alley,Vorzhvaghomian Alley, Khaghani St, Isfahan